7:00 |
7:10 |
Equal Educational Opportunities
Administrative Procedure - Accommodating Transgender, Nonbinary, or Gender Non-Conforming Students
Administrative Procedure - Accommodating Breastfeeding Students
7:15 |
Student and Family Privacy Rights
7:20 |
Harassment of Students Prohibited
Assignment and Admission
7:30 |
Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer
7:35 |
Home School Students
7:40 |
Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students
Administrative Procedure - Placement of Nonpublic School Students Transferring Into the District
7:50 |
7:60 |
Exhibits |
Letter of Residence from Landlord in Lieu of Lease ( English / Spanish)
Letter of Residence to be Used When the Person Seeking to Enroll a Student is Living with a District Resident ( English / Spanish)
Evidence of Non-Parent's Custody, Control and Responsibility of a Student ( English / Spanish)
7:70 |
Attendance and Truancy
7:80 |
Release Time for Religious Instruction/Observance
7:90 |
Release During School Hours
7:100 |
Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students
7:110 |
Student Transfers
7:120 |
Special Education Evaluation
Rights and Responsibilities
7:130 |
Student Rights and Responsibilities
7:140 |
Search and Seizure
Administrative Procedure - Use of Metal Detectors and Searches for Student Safety
7:150 |
7:160 |
Student Appearance
7:165 |
School Uniforms
Administrative Procedure - Uniform Compliance
Exhibit |
Application for Assistance with School Uniforms ( English / Spanish )
7:170 |
7:180 |
Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
Administrative Procedure - Prevention, Identification, Investigation, and Response to Bullying
7:185 |
Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
7:190 |
7:200 |
Suspension Procedures
7:210 |
Expulsion Procedures
7:220 |
Bus Conduct
Administrative Procedure - Electronic Recordings on School Buses
7:230 |
Misconduct by Students with Disabilities
7:240 |
Conduct Code for Participants in Extra-curricular Activities
Administrative Procedure - Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities
Administrative Procedure - Extracurricular Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Welfare Services
7:250 |
7:260 |
Exemption from Physical Education
7:270 |
Administering Medicines to Students
7:280 |
7:285 |
Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program
Administrative Procedure - Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program
7:290 |
Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
Administrative Procedure - Resource Guide for Implementation of Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program
7:300 |
Extracurricular Athletics
7:305 |
7:310 |
Restrictions on Publications; Elementary Schools
7:315 |
Restrictions on Publications; High Schools
Administrative Procedure - Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Publications; High Schools
7:325 |
Student Fundraising Activities
Administrative Procedure - Guidelines Regulating Kankakee School District No. 111 Fundraising
7:330 |
Student Use of Buildings - Equal Access
Administrative Procedure - Student Use of Buildings - Equal Access
7:340 |
Student Records
7:345 |
Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security
Administrative Procedure - Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security