Gifted Grade-Level Self-Contained
Description of Grade Level Self-Contained Tier
This self-contained tier has grade leveled classes. Service in the Self-Contained tier consists of one self-contained combined 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade class. Each of these classes have no more than twenty-four students These students are drawn from those identified by screening for the gifted program and are the top 25 students of each grade level after the 12 mixed grade self-contained level spots have been filled (based on the Identification Matrix). All grade-level self-contained elementary classrooms are housed at King Middle Grade School. Parents of the grade-level identified students have the option of placing their student in the grade-level self-contained tier of the program.
Students qualify for this program at the close of their second grade year, enter in their third grade year, and remain in the program through sixth grade, unless leaving by parent/teacher/student choice. Students new to the district during the school year are tested and considered for placement if all qualifications are met and space is available.
Curriculum is accelerated, at least 1- 1 1/2 years, in all subject areas. This instruction is multi-disciplinary and is given by their classroom teacher. Projects and tasks involving higher order thinking skills are built in all units of study. Students also participate in PE, Music and Art. Band, Orchestra and choir are available starting at 5th grade.
A collection of 7 novels from a variety of genres. A collection of 7 novels from a variety of genres. A collection of 10 novels from a variety of genres. A collection of 11 novels from a variety of genres. ENGLISH
Grammar, Vocabulary, Persuasive, Expository, & Narrative Writing Grammar, Vocabulary, Persuasive, Expository, & Narrative Writing Grammar, Vocabulary, Persuasive, Expository, & Narrative Writing Grammar, Vocabulary, Persuasive, Expository, & Narrative Writing SOCIAL STUDIES
Ancient Civilizations, United States Regions, Illinois History Explorers, Early Civilization to Civil War Westward Movement,
US History (Civil War through Vietnam War)World History
Stone Age through PresentMATH
3rd grade -EveryDay Math Beginning 4th grade - EveryDay Math Complete 4th grade - EveryDay Math Beginning 5th grade - EveryDay Math Complete 5th grade- Everday Math Beginning 6th grade - EveryDay Math Complete 6th grade- Everday Math Pre-Algebra SCIENCE
Animals (Adaptations/ Classification), Life Cycles, Simple Machines/Forces, Properties of Matter, Natural Resources & Recycling, Natural Disasters, Body Systems (Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous), Scientific Inquiry, Safety & Measurement Plants/Ecosystems, Magnetism & Electricty, Light & Sound, Solar System, Weather/Climate, Body Systems (Digestive, Respiratory & Circulatory, Scientific Inquiry, Safety & Measurement Space/Astronomy, Oceans & Water, Chemistry: Solutions & Solvents, Body Systems (Nervous), Life Education, Scientific Inquiry, Safety & Measurement Invertebrates, Genetics, Cells, Energy: Renewable & Nonrenewable Resources, Recycling, Simple & Complex Machines w/Legos, Earth Science: Natural Disasters, Scientific Inquiry, Safety & Measurement -