Director's Message


    Kankakee School District

    Early Childhood Program

    Director Pamela Powell

    We at Kankakee School District 111 believe that young children learn best through play and that preschoolers can learn from a wide range of teacher-led and child-led activities. Preschoolers are more likely to talk, play, and share with each other in a place that is well-organized and interesting. Preschoolers learn from a wide variety of teacher-directed and child-initiated learning activities. Students should be encouraged to explore and be curious in the classroom so that they can grow up to be capable lifelong learners.

    We are of the perspective that:
    Every child grows and changes at their own pace, and their individual traits should be respected.
    For young children to learn about limits and boundaries in a healthy way, they need predictable daily routines.
    Young children learn best by engaging in activities that are also physically engaging.
    When adults give kids several chances to practice and give them loving support, the kids learn the skills they need to be able to help themselves on their own.
    Young children become more sensitive to the feelings of their peers when adults show them how to act and help them.
    To develop social interaction skills that are appropriate for a child's age, they need to have a variety of experiences with other young children.
    It's important to have good communication skills if you want to share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with other people.
    To improve their skills in all areas of development (thinking, reasoning, speech and language, and fine and gross motor skills), children need a wide range of activities that are right for their ages. 

    During the upcoming school year, we hope that your family will spend the year with us so that we can get to know both your family and your preschooler better.
    It is my pleasure to welcome you to our Early Childhood programs. Whether your family is part of our PFA (Preschool for All), PFA-E (Preschool for All-Expansion), or county wide Head Stat program, it is my top priority to create a culture that encourages a love of learning, an environment that welcomes curiosity, and, most importantly, a group of educators and families who have taken on the responsibility of making sure that our children grow and thrive mentally, physically, and emotionally. I hope that, in order for us to be able to reach these goals, we have committed ourselves to the following fundamental ideas:
    Put into practice the best practices, which are based on knowledge and research about how children learn and grow.
    Create a learning environment that encourages forward movement and the accomplishment of objectives.

    Hire and retain quality teachers who can help students learn while sticking to the rules of a curriculum.
    The relationship between a child and their family is the first and most important way for them to learn. This relationship should be nurtured and respected, and most importantly, both should think critically and creatively. In short, your child will be ready to do well in kindergarten when they leave our preschool program.

    Pamela J. Powell
    Director of Early Childhood