Transitional Bilingual Education

  • Transitional Bilingual Education(TBE) and Transitional Program of Instruction(TPI)

    Dual Language Education Program Information



    DLE Program Philosophy


    The philosophy of the Kankakee School District's Dual Language Program is to educate our students to become bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural in this ever increasing global society. Ultimately, we want our students to achieve academic excellence in two languages and attain a multicultural understanding and appreciation for the different cultures represented in our program.

    DLE Program Mission Statement


    The mission of Kankakee School District's Dual Language Program is to establish a strong, standards-based curriculum, which promotes high academic achievement in both English and Spanish in an environment that embraces diversity and strives for excellence. It is our mission to teach our students the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to become productive and responsible citizens in this ever changing global society.  

    DLE Program Goals


    To provide all students enrolled in the program with a quality education

    • To provide language minority students with an equal educational opportunity

    • To provide language majority students with an enrichment program

    • To promote positive interactions among all students

    • To provide ample opportunities for students to develop bilingual and biliterate skills

    • To promote an appreciation for cultures other than one's own

    • To use the second language to communicate in social settings

    • To use the second language to achieve academically in all content areas

    • To use the second language in socially and culturally appropriate ways

    DLE Program Components

    Kankakee School District 111 has adopted the Gomez and Gomez Dual Language Education Model.  Utilizing this model, Kindergarten thru 3rd grade, curriculum is delivered 50% in Spanish and 50% in English. Students in Kindergarten and 1st Grade receive Reading and Language Arts instruction in their native Language.  Students in 2nd Grade thru 3rd Grade receive Reading and Language Arts instruction in both English and Spanish.  Mathematics instruction is delivered in English across grade levels K-3.  Science and Social Studies instruction is delivered in Spanish across grade levels K-3.
    • 5th Grade in the 2017-2018 school year.


      Grade Level

      Instruction in Spanish

      Instruction in English

      Kindergarten and 1st Grade

      Language of the Day Three days a week

      Reading and Language Arts

      Science and Social Studies

      SSL(Spanish as a Second Language

      Language of the Day Two days a week


      ESL( English as a Second Language)

      2nd Grade thru 4th Grade

      Language of the Day Three days a week

      Reading and Language Arts

      Science and Social Studies


      Language of the Day Two days a week

      Reading and Language Arts





      The Dual Language Program is offered at 2 of our elementary schools.
      • Steuben Elementary School (One-way K- 3 DLE Classrooms)

      • Mark Twain Primary School ( Two-way K-3 DLE Magnet Classrooms)

        • The Two-Way DLE Magnet offers District 111 students a unique language learning opportunity. It is composed of 50% English Dominant students and 50% Spanish Dominant students.  Students in these classrooms learn both English and Spanish together.

      Dual Language Education will continue at the Middle Schools.

      • One Way - Kennedy

      • Two Way - King

    The State Seal of Biliteracy


     Click here


     TBE and TPI Program Description


    The Transitional Bilingual Education Program (available when there are 20 or more students of the same language background in the same building) or the Transitional Program of Instruction (available when 19 or fewer students of the same language background are in the same building) are for non-native English speaking students who have been tested using an approved English Language Proficiency exam and are determined to be Limited English Proficient.


    The Full Time TBE program provides instruction in the student’s native language and includes core subjects such as Reading and Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies with transition into English.  Instruction in English as a Second Language and instruction in the History and Culture of the Country, Territory, or Geographic Area that is the native land of the students or of their parents and in the History and Culture of the United States.  The classes count toward graduation requirements.


    The Full Time TPI program provides instruction in ESL, tutoring in Language Arts in the student’s native language, and instruction in the history and culture of the country, territory, or geographic area that is the native land of the students or of their parents and in the history and culture of the United States.



    Instructional Goals


    To meet academic achievement standards for grade promotion and to become proficient in English.



    Full Time Program Components


    K-4 Students are placed in a self-contained Dual Language Education.



    5th Grade-6th Grade EL student’s schedule depends on the student’s needs:

    • English as a Second Language (ESL)

    • Sheltered Instruction  



    Social Studies

    • Native Language Instruction

    Reading, Language Arts and Writing

    Junior High School and High School EL Students:

    • English as a Second Language (ESL)

    • ESL Resource

    • Native Language Instruction

               Reading, Language Arts and Writing
    • Spanish Culture course offered at KJHS

    • Spanish I course offered at KJHS

    • Foreign Language Classes offered at KHS

              Spanish II and III

              AP Spanish

    • Native Language Support

              US History

    Part-Time Program Components


    Students may be placed into a part-time TBE or TPI program, if the students’ assessment results indicate that the student has sufficient proficiency in English to benefit from a placement in a General Education classroom at his/her grade level.  The student must achieve a minimum composite proficiency score of 3.5 Literacy on the prescribed English Language Proficiency exam. A student may also be placed in the part-time program based on parental preference.



    The part-time program consists of the components of our full-time program as selected for a particular student based upon an assessment of the student’s educational needs. Each student’s part-time program shall provide daily instruction in English as a Second Language (ESL).



    Special Education Services


    For disabled students requiring specialized services, language instruction will meet the objectives of the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).



    Exit Procedures

    Students remain in the Transitional Bilingual Education Program or the Transitional Program of Instruction for three years or until they reach proficiency in academic English based on the ACCESS for ELL’s State Language Exam: 4.8 Composite Score. Students receiving TBE or TPI service may be given an additional 2 years of service with parental approval.   Our districts’ expected rate of transition into the mainstream is 25% of the EL population annually.  The expected rate of graduation for high school students in this program is 85%. 

    Kankakee School District also offers a Migrant Program.
    For additional information, please contact (815) 802-7737