Instructional Programs
Overview of Instructional Programs
Plan for Educational Excellence
In accordance with the Every Student Success Act, District 111’s curriculum and instruction is aligned to the Illinois Common Core Standards, and student learning is measured by both the state and local assessments as well as ongoing progress monitoring instruments. With the review of this data, the District, as well as each individual building, creates an improvement plan to support every child’s growth. This data review and planning process was a part of the development of the District Strategic Plan and is updated yearly. It is also required for developing the District Improvement Plan (DIP) mandated by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) based on the district test scores, and the building level School Improvement Plans (SIP or e-Plan). All of the data drive the plans, and the plans drive the goals of the Instructional Program of the District.-
All curriculum and instruction plans and decisions must be data driven
Strategic Plan updated annually
District Improvement Plan (DIP) written annually and presented to the board
SIP or e-Plan – generally multi-year, but must be reviewed, revised and submitted to the School Board annually
ISBE Initiatives
Included are guidelines for procedures for accessing grant dollars for building activities and materials. Please review these. In addition, two new initiatives have been mandated during recent years: a Wellness Policy and Plan and implementation of Social Emotional Standards. District 111 has linked the Wellness Policy with the new nutrition practices, the new health curriculum and the Fitnessgram which is used to measure student progress in personal physical education. The Social Emotional Standards are linked to MTSS and the district plan.-
Grant guidelines
Wellness Policy
Social Emotional Standards and Plan